Sunday, October 9, 2011

Are electrons real? Is 2+2 really 4?

Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking time to read my randomness. I do not know exactly in which direction I will set this blog to go but this is where it will begin.

Is 2 + 2 really equal to 4? I mean we have always been told that it is true, there is no way it could not be true, right? Alright generally it is a matter of fact that 2 + 2 is equal to 4 because of the set rules of mathematics.

Now what about electrons are they real and if so do we individually know it as a fact? Scientist tell me that these microscopic things exist and are in everything. They say it is a fact and it has been proven but why should I believe them. I have never held an electron in my hand or seen one in order to inspect it.

Well the existence of these electrons is a matter of fact because we have the ability to do testing in order "see" them. Still, I for one have not seen them and can only conclude that it is a very highly possible that they exist, almost to the point of being certain. Just remember you cannot be certain of something unless you know it to be as a fact.

So yes 2 + 2 really is equal to 4 and as far as electrons go, they are real. I would say with a 99.9% probability.

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